SKR Nursery

Standard Gardening Guide

1. Plant Watering Guide

 First, check the moisture in the soil by following below steps

 a. Poke your finger or plain small stick in the soil
 b. Check the moisture that you feel on a finger or on the stick

  •  If soil is muddy: No water required. Check moisture after 2-3 days.
  •  If the soil feels a little moist: No water required. Check moisture the next day.
  •  If soil is completely dry: Apply water thoroughly till the water comes out of drainage holes. Make sure that the water is not standing in the pot. Soil should be well drained. 


  • As a  rule of thumb, plants need more water in the summer season and less water in winter and rainy season.

2. Plant Light Requirement Guide: 

  • Direct Sunlight: Area with as much direct sunlight light as possible.
  • Indirect light with some direct sunlight: Brightly lit, with some sunlight falling on the leaves during the day (Especially the morning direct sunlight)
  • Indirect Bright Light: Brightly lit but not with direct sunlight falling on the leaves. It is the light near a window or door. Many foliage house plants will flourish in this light.
  • Low light: Moderately lit, with no direct sunlight falling on the leaves. A person can read a book in this light.
  • Very low light: Poorly lit, a person will not be able to read a book in this light.


  • Lighting is not just about providing the brightness to the plant. It is the duration of light and its intensity that decides the growth of the plant.
  • There should be at 12-14 hours of required light that may be natural or artificial in order to maintain active plant growth whereas the light intensity varies greatly from plant to plant.
  • When using artificial lights; try to use LED lights or fluorescent tubes to minimize the effect of heat on the plants. The ideal distance between an artificial light source and plant is 1 ft.
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