SKR Nursery


Guar Phali F1 Hybrid, Cluster Beans – Vegetable Seeds

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Gwar Phali is Digestive and nutritious, you can grow this easily

1 packet contains – 10 gm. seeds.

The Guar or cluster bean (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba) is an annual legume and the source of guar gum. It is also known as Gavar, Guwar or Guvar bean.This legume is a very valuable plant within a crop rotation cycle, as it lives in symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria.

In fact, agriculturists in semi-arid regions of Rajasthan follow crop-rotation and use Guar as a source to replenish the soil with essential fertilizers and nitrogen fixation, before the next crop.Guar as a plant has a multitude of different functions for human and animal nutrition but its gelling agent containing seeds (guar gum) are today the most important use.It comprises many essential Vitamins, namely Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, folates, and rich in carbohydrates.

Seeds Specifications

Seeds per Packet 50
Common Name Cluster Beans / Guar
Binomial name. Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
Height Maximum height of up to 2 to 3 m.
Bloom Time Year round
Difficulty Level Easy

Planting And Care

  • Weeding: young guar plants development is very susceptible to weed concurrence; well and early prepared seedbeds help to reduce weed pressureDiseases: choose disease-resistant cultivars, 2 major diseases: Alternaria cucumerina var
  • cyamopsidis and Xanthomonoas cyamopsidisPredators: Contarinia texana guar midge: rainfall or sprinkler irrigation reduce midge populations

Guar Phali F1 Hybrid Care

  • Choose a sunniest spot of your garden and remove the weeds before planting
  • seeds to 1 inch deep in loose well drained soil with lot of compost and farm manure mixed in it
  • Seedlings will germinate in a few days, thin out the healthiest of them 6 inches apart
  • Water well until the plants establish completely
Sunlight Full sun
Watering It requires sufficient soil moisture before planting and during maturation of seeds. Frequent drought periods can lead to delayed maturation.
Soil Preferably in fertile, medium-textured and sandy loam soils that are well-drained.
In respect of soil acidity, guar grows best in moderate alkaline conditions (pH 7-8) and is tolerant of salinity.
Temperature 25-35 degrees C
Fertilizer Nitrogen: not necessary, Phosphorus: often limiting, US: Superphosphate 200 to 250 kg/ha
Harvest Season
  • Within 4-6 weeks after planting flowers start to bloom, seedpods will form and ready to harvest in about 8-12 weeks.
  • If you, re growing it to use as a vegetable, harvest it young when seedpods remain slimy and soft in texture and green in color.

Guar Phali F1 Hybrid Special Feature


  • Cluster beans are rich source of proteins, dietary comprises many essential Vitamins, namely Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, folates, and rich in carbohydrates.
  • Cluster beans contain glyconutrients that help in controlling blood sugar levels in the body.
  • It contains low calories and it posses low glycemic index.
  • Cluster beans also provide relief from colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, and crohn, s disease.
  • Due to the presence of potassium, it improves heart health, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Due to the presence of phosphorous and calcium, it strengthens bones.
  • Improves better circulation of blood.
  • As it posses hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic properties, it is considered as one of the better vegetable food source for both diabetic and hypertension patients.

    Guar Phali F1 Hybrid Uses

    Medicinal Use:

    • It is extremely helpful for overweight patients, and people who are attempting to lose a few pounds
    • It can also be considered helpful for dealing with diabetic patients
    • Guar gum includes a multitude of commercial uses

    Culinary Use:

    • In several food and beverages guar gum is used as additive in order to change its viscosity or as fibre source
    • The pods of the cluster bean are traditionally used in several veggie preparations, and form a fundamental element of numerous Indian recipes


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